Conviviality and economy

One aspect of conviviality is to seek a ‘convivial economy’ and political frameworks which support a convivial economy. This is a novel approach to the economy which puts people and the environment in the centre. You may use the resources here to develop your approach to a ‘convivial economy’. 


  • DE Towards a Convivial Economy, (Cardijn Association, Linz, 2018) (PDF – 227 KB)This booklet introduces conviviality as a concept which provides a critique of the present economy, a vision of a convivial economy and some practical proposals. It was produced for the Cardijn Association, Linz by Tony Addy
  • EN Konvivilität - kunst und praxis gelungenen zusammenlebens (Cardijn Association, Linz, 2020) (PDF – 1.1 MB)This booklet is a translation of the booklet 'Towards a Convivial Economy' It introduces conviviality as a concept which provides a critique of the present economy, a vision of a convivial economy and some practical proposals. It was produced for the Cardijn Association, Linz by Tony Addy
  • EN Populism Sustainability Economics for a Convivial Economy of Peace (PDF – 436 KB)This paper was originally a presentation at the Conference of European Churches Peace Conference on the occasion of the Anniversary of its founding, Written by Tony Addy, to links the idea of a convivial economy to building and maintaining peace, drawing on a reflection on the limitations of the Treaty of Versailles.