Diaconal organisations working with ‘People on the Move’

This section contains useful links and resources on diaconal organisations and churches which focus on Diaconal work and on advocacy for uprooted people as part of the mission of the church in the search for peace and justice for all.


  • EN Eurodiconia (subpage: Migration) (external link)Eurodiaconia has established a Migration Network that gives our members the opportunity to discuss topics of common interest at annual conferences. They also send out a monthly Migration update covering EU policy news, events, calls for proposals and resources and publications. SUBJECTS: Children and migration, integration, protection
  • EN CCME – churches‘ commission for migrants in Europe (external link)Subjects: safe passage / refugee protection / anti-trafficking / uniting in diversity / inclusive communities / migration and developement / labour migration
  • EN Migrant women (PDF – 399 KB)Eurodiaconia has established a Migration Network that gives our members the opportunity to discuss topics of common interest at annual conferences. They also send out a monthly Migration update covering EU policy news, events, calls for proposals and resources and publications.
  • EN Solidarity research with the Berlin based Latin American women’s organization Xochicuicatl (PDF – 655 KB)Here you find a master thesis from a german student written in Sweden about the Latin American women organisation Xochicuicatl. The interests and needs of oppressed groups are in the focus of the study and how they can organize themselves in a foreign country.